The Scientific Society for Homeopathy (Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Homöopathie – WissHom) was founded in November 2010 in the German city of Köthen (Anhalt). The society’s headquarters are situated in a building that is also home to the European Library for Homeopathy (Europäische Bibliothek für Homöopathie – EBH), not far from Hahnemann’s Köthen home on Wallstrasse.
WissHom’s mission is to contribute to medical progress as well as to the collective good. To that end, WissHom is committed, in both practical and theoretical terms, to promoting ongoing development in the field of homeopathy. The task WissHom has set for itself is to breathe life into this commitment.
At the founding assembly in the Conference Centre at Köthen Castle, council member Curt Kösters expressed it this way: “WissHom’s essential tasks are the ongoing theoretical development of homeopathy and the opening up of the entire spectrum of treatment to practitioners. The knowledge we already possess must be consolidated and structured; new knowledge must be created and utilised “. The structuring of knowledge to which he refers is already being undertaken at WissHom. WissHom will also be the instrument for establishing constructive dialogue with representatives of the medical sciences and other academic disciplines.
The preparations for WissHom’s founding were carried out by a working group of the German Association of Homeopathic Physicians (Deutscher Zentralverein homöopathischer Ärzte – DZVhÄ). The driving force then, as now, was to establish a society that would be open not only to doctors, but to all scientists engaged in homeopathic research and teaching who are committed to pursuing the aims of the society.
WissHom is working to provide and promote the infrastructure for an active research landscape. The WissHom council warmly invites new participants to the scientific discussion surrounding homeopathy!
Please read more about WissHom on the German website …