WissHom-Congress ICE (International Coethen Exchange of Experiences)
The aim of the International Coethen Exchange of Experiences (Internationaler Coethener Erfahrungsaustausch – ICE) is to serve as a cornerstone for international homeopathic research and to provide a space that facilitates an intensive scientific exchange of ideas among colleagues. The name “Coethen”, spelled as it was during Hahnemann’s lifetime, is a nod to the historical roots of homeopathy.
Since 2001, the International Coethen Exchange of Experiences (ICE) has been held annually in the German city of Köthen (Anhalt). The first ten ICE conferences were sponsored by the former European Institute of Homeopathy (Europäisches Institut für Homöopathie – InHom). Since ICE 11, the conference has taken place under the auspices of WissHom.
Please read more about the WissHom Congress ICE on the German website …